Although 56 bytes isn’t large, we still want to try to free even more bytes, right? A small amount of bytes was optimized using these instructions for the decoder function. It doesn’t clears the EBX and EDX register.
New instructions
pop esi ; Being called by decoder, last pushed value on stack, put in ESI
xor ecx, ecx ; Clear for counting loop
mov cl, len ; Put length of EncodedShellcode into CL for count loop
Old instructions
pop esi ; Being called by decoder, last pushed value on stack, put in ESI
; Clear registers for usage
xor ecx, ecx ; Clear for counting loop
xor ebx, ecx
xor edx, ecx
mov cl, len ; Put length of EncodedShellcode into CL for count loop
Recompile and run again
After compilation, a total of 52 bytes is being shown, 4 bytes less than before.
$ ../ rolling-xor-decoder-opt
[+] Assembling with Nasm ...
[+] Linking ...
[+] Done!
$ ../ rolling-xor-decoder-opt
$ cp ../sc_template_c.c rolling-xor-decoder-opt-c.c
$ vim rolling-xor-decoder-opt-c.c
$ ../ rolling-xor-decoder-opt-c
[+] Compiling ...
[+] Done!
$ ./rolling-xor-decoder-opt-c
Shellcode Length: 52